Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bella Ruse

Bellissima Bella Ruse.

So I only found out about this band about a month ago when i went to do an open mic in this little cafe by my house.  After everyone did their couple of songs, they {Bella Ruse} did a whole set.  The whole time i was sitting there i was thinking 'this sounds so freaking cool!'  And what was even cooler than their sound was that fact that it was only two of them, and if you closed your eyes it sounded like a full band. 
Anyways, they were awesome.  Afterwards they were selling CDs and so i actually got to meet them, which was pretty cool :D And i got one of their CDs, bonus.  Anyway, check them out.  I have a feeling they're gonna get really popular soon; they're that awesome.

Songs to listen to:
-Dark Horse                     -Complicated Rhythm
-An Animal A Natural       -Black & Flowers
-Push On                          -Dislocating
-Gumption & Guts            -Darling
-The Kazoo Song             -Sea Love
And, honestly, all the rest...:)


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