Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Matt Nathanson

So guess who i just met?
I'm kinda in love.

Songs to listen to:
- Kiss Quick                       - Mercy
- Run                                  - Car Crash
- Pretty the World               - Kept
- Modern Love                   - Love Comes Tumbling Down
- Come On Get Higher       - Faster
- Princess                           - I Saw
- Room @ The End of The World

First off.  Matt Nathanson is AMAZING live.  I found this free concert near my house at a winery and we went tonight, and there was only probably 150 people.  We were so close.  He was even better live than on recordings, which is saying a ton, trust me.  His voice was like honey or something, as lame as that sounds.  And there was so much power to what he sang and what he played.  You could tell he really meant what he sang, if that makes sense.  Plus he was incredibly funny.  There was only him and the other guitarist from his band who also sang backup, but it was so perfect.  Afterwards he was out signing stuff and i got a cd for him to sign.  Honestly...i'm on a little bit of a high from it, heehee. 
Plus, his lyrics are insanely awesome.  Simple but really creative at the same time.  It makes me wish i could write like that.  AND, he's from San Francisco.  How cool is that?  He's totally local!  To me at least, haha.
Anyways, it was amazing.  I love his music so much.  His new record is brilliant, I've been listening to it nonstop since it came out.  Check it out, please.  And all the rest of his stuff, really.  I love it :)


Sunday, July 24, 2011

This Century...Or This Brilliant Work of Art?

Songs to listen to:

- Sound of Fire              - Everywhere Everything
- Young and Useless      - Hopeful Romantic
- Young Love                - Acts of Desperation
- No Way Out               - Doublespeak
- Go Get Her                 - To Love And Back
- Money Honey             - Battling A Heavy Heart
- Loud                           - Tragedy
- Paper Planes (cover)   - Running
- Do It to Me                 - Bad Dream

I first heard this band when i listened to their cover of Paper Planes, which if I'm honest, I'd say i like better than the original.  This Century is {in my humble opinion} one of those bands to you would be crazy to dislike.  Seriously.  They cover the pop genre in a way that makes you really appreciate it, at times they got the alternative vibe, and on some occasions {listen to Tragedy} some screamo is added in.  Which is FREAKING AWESOME.  So they cover a fair amount of bases.  Also, their music is just so incredibly catchy, and it's perfect for a summer soundtrack.  Or any soundtrack really.  The lyrics are adorable without being at all shallow.  They're just amazing all around, i tell you. 
I am currently in the process of willing them to come to San Francisco, because i have yet to see them live.  Me and a few of mi amigas are planning on that :D 
Anyways , please, please, please.  As you're staring at the computer screen bored out of your mind reading this, consider looking them up.  You'll thank me...hopefully ;)


Friday, July 15, 2011

Bon Iver: For Me

Bon Iver...simply the fact that my name is included in the name of the first album makes me love them. 

Songs to listen to:
- For Emma           - Skinny Love
- Holocene            - The Wolves {Act I & II}
- Calgary               - Re: Stacks
- Blood Bank        - Blindsided
- Perth                  - Tower
- Creature Fear     - Flume

Bon Iver amazes me.  I've listened to them for a few years now and they are just starting to get big; the fame is well-deserved.  The singer, Justin Vernon, has a voice that can be beautiful, strong, piercing, vulnerable, and haunting all at the same time.  It is absolutely beautiful.The album For Emma, Forever Ago, is pure brilliance.  No joke.  I don't say that simply because my name is Emma, although that is the reason i first decided to listen to it :D  It is so heartbreakingly beautiful, and it just keeps getting better and better and better the more you listen to it.  I listen to it at night when i fall asleep, it's comforting to drift away to. 
Their new album Bon Iver is also incredible! My favorite song is Holocene; everytime i listen to it i feel like crying.  But it's one of those songs that make you feel so much. And they die for. 

“Someway, baby, it’s part of me, apart from me.”
you’re laying waste to Halloween
you fucked it friend, it’s on it’s head, it struck the street
you’re in Milwaukee, off your feet

…and at once I knew I was not magnificent
strayed above the highway aisle
(jagged vacance, thick with ice)
I could see for miles, miles, miles

3rd and Lake it burnt away, the hallway
was where we learned to celebrate
automatic bought the years you’d talk for me
that night you played me ʻLip Paradeʼ
not the needle, nor the thread, the lost decree
saying nothing, that’s enough for me

Christmas night, it clutched the light, the hallow bright
above my brother, I and tangled spines
we smoked the screen to make it what it was to be
now to know it in my memory.

So to sum it up: Please.  Do yourself a huge favor: look up Bon Iver and listen.  I promise it will beautiful :)


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bella Ruse

Bellissima Bella Ruse.

So I only found out about this band about a month ago when i went to do an open mic in this little cafe by my house.  After everyone did their couple of songs, they {Bella Ruse} did a whole set.  The whole time i was sitting there i was thinking 'this sounds so freaking cool!'  And what was even cooler than their sound was that fact that it was only two of them, and if you closed your eyes it sounded like a full band. 
Anyways, they were awesome.  Afterwards they were selling CDs and so i actually got to meet them, which was pretty cool :D And i got one of their CDs, bonus.  Anyway, check them out.  I have a feeling they're gonna get really popular soon; they're that awesome.

Songs to listen to:
-Dark Horse                     -Complicated Rhythm
-An Animal A Natural       -Black & Flowers
-Push On                          -Dislocating
-Gumption & Guts            -Darling
-The Kazoo Song             -Sea Love
And, honestly, all the rest...:)


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Da Maine

I <3 The Maine.

Songs to listen to:
-Inside of You                      -Saving Grace
-The Town's Been Talking  -Growing Up
-Color                                  -Whoever She Is
-Into Your Arms                  -Girls Do What They Want
-Listen To Your Heart         -The Way We Talk
-Everything I Ask For         -We'll All Be...

Okay so, I've listened to these guys for a while, and they to this day are still one of my favorite bands. Let me explain.  At first they may appear to be simply a cliché, punk/pop/rock typical boy band.  And who knows, maybe they are, but honestly?  I think they got something special.  There's this one song, Growing Up, and it almost made me cry the first time i heard it...basically, they totally nailed it.  And another song, Inside of You has become one of my favorite songs of all time.  I can't really explain why, exactly, because I'm not sure, but i love it anyway :)  Sure they have their fair share of semi shallow lyrics, but hey, they do it with awesome mixed in.  And then they got their fair share of deep.  Which is just pure amazingness.  
I just went to one of their concerts a few weeks ago with two of my best friends, and can i just say this: They. Were. Amazing.  They sounded amazing live, and plus we were literally like ten feet away.  Which was so freaking cool!  John, the singer, was really cool with the crowd, he talked to specific people and made jokes that were adorable.  Garrett, the bass player, was the only other guy from the band that really talked, and he was kind of just downright weird.  But, i mean that in the best of ways, he was adorable and he made me laugh.  They seem like the type of band that would be really cool to hang out with.  And.  I kind of have a tiny crush on the drummer, Pat.  Just, you know...if anyone wants to know. :D

Anyway, if you haven't heard of them look em up, you won't regret it.  And if you already listen to them, i'm so with you!  Haha, later loves.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tegan and Sara Love

Tegan and Sara...where do i start?

Basically, when i was like 10, i went on this road trip to Tahoe with my cousin, who's four years older than me, and she brought a mixed cd of a bunch of random Tegan and Sara songs.  I dunno if it was because at that age, i thought everything my cousin did was cool and everything she liked automatically made it into my brain as being awesome, or because i actually genuinely liked their sound, but i sorta dug them.  We listened to them all the way there and back, and then when we dropped my cousin off she forgot the cd.  Ever since then i've been listening to them, and now, almost 6 years later i'm what you could call a diehard fan.  I've seen them live and they are amazing, not to mention they have a really cool sense of humor and i love how they dress.  And of course, their music is insane.  It's like they made their own sound, i can't honestly think of really anyone that holds a candle to them.  Which is freaking awesome, in my humble opinion.  Plus their lyrics are incredible.  And they both have really cool hair!  So, another one of my favorite bands :D

Songs to listen to:
Again, all of them, but here's a few to start :)
-Nineteen {One of my favorite songs of all time}
-The Con                                -Like O, Like H
-Where Do The Good Go       -Hell
-Arrow                                   -Soil, Soil
-On Directing                          -Call It Off
-Wake Up Exhausted              -The Ocean
-Someday                               -We Didn't Do It
-I Know I Know I Know        -The Cure


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Paramore = Amore

So for the first official music post, i feel like it's kind of neccesary to post my favorite band.  At least one of them.  Probably the band i have listened to the most, and for the longest. 
Songs to listen to:
All of them, really, but if i have to narrow it down:
- Monster {their newest without Zac and Josh}
- When it Rains                            - Decode
-We Are Broken                         - Hallelujah
- Conspiracy                               - Crushcrushcrush
- Misery Business                        - All I Wanted
- Misguided Ghosts                     - Ignorance
- Let the Flames Begin            
And all the rest...

I've seen them live and they are incredible.  Seriously.  Like blow-your-mind-make-you-cry-but-feel-so-happy-at-the-same-time incredible. Hayley is amazing, nothing to it.  They all are, of course, but Hayley especially, in my opinion, at least.  Her voice is pure power and poetry and she can scream and still make it sound freaking amazing, while jumping around on stage at the same time.
I know that Zac and Josh are not in the band anymore, but i love these pictures of them so much.  So oh well.  But anyways, they are one of those bands that, yeah, are great when you first hear them, on the radio or whatever, but then when you keep hearing them and hear their old stuff they just keep getting better and better.  Trust me, listen to them.  They will amaze you.  And i can't wait for their fourth album :D