Thursday, June 30, 2011

Paramore = Amore

So for the first official music post, i feel like it's kind of neccesary to post my favorite band.  At least one of them.  Probably the band i have listened to the most, and for the longest. 
Songs to listen to:
All of them, really, but if i have to narrow it down:
- Monster {their newest without Zac and Josh}
- When it Rains                            - Decode
-We Are Broken                         - Hallelujah
- Conspiracy                               - Crushcrushcrush
- Misery Business                        - All I Wanted
- Misguided Ghosts                     - Ignorance
- Let the Flames Begin            
And all the rest...

I've seen them live and they are incredible.  Seriously.  Like blow-your-mind-make-you-cry-but-feel-so-happy-at-the-same-time incredible. Hayley is amazing, nothing to it.  They all are, of course, but Hayley especially, in my opinion, at least.  Her voice is pure power and poetry and she can scream and still make it sound freaking amazing, while jumping around on stage at the same time.
I know that Zac and Josh are not in the band anymore, but i love these pictures of them so much.  So oh well.  But anyways, they are one of those bands that, yeah, are great when you first hear them, on the radio or whatever, but then when you keep hearing them and hear their old stuff they just keep getting better and better.  Trust me, listen to them.  They will amaze you.  And i can't wait for their fourth album :D

Introduction to Mystique

So, first post. 
Basically, I was laying in bed at 3 AM last night and i had this idea in my half-dream state that it would be sort of cool to make a blog all about music.  That way anytime i found a new band that i really liked then i could post it and whoever read it would hear about them. 
When i type it out, yes, it sounds slightly less cool than it did in my half-asleep brain at 3 in the morning.  But just bear with me.  It has the potential to be cool ;)